Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Crud

There's really nothing like being sick to make you slow down and enjoy the season. It seems like every time I get too much on my plate I end up getting sick. This weekend was supposed to be relaxing.  I actually didn't have a lot of things to do, so it was okay that I came down with congestion and coughing and a whole slew of other symptoms.

Not being on Facebook has been pretty easy so far. I haven't even really felt like I missed it. The most difficult thing to not have access to is the messenger.  I like to message friends rather than text or email and it makes me be a little bit more deliberate about my actions when I have to text someone.

I am so thankful for my wife. Emily has always taking care of me when I get sick. And since I don't get sick very often when get sick it's quite an ordeal. She is always willing to come and bring me water, make sure that I feel OK even in the midst of screaming and yelling from the children or the baby. And I do the same for her, but she just seems to have a much better attitude about it. I think that's what Lent is all about. Giving up of ourselves and doing things for others and she is such great example of that.

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